Curriculum Vitae et Mini-Bibliographie



Psychology Department
Campus Box 3270, Davie Hall
UniversityofNorth Carolina
Chapel Hill,NC 27599-3270
Telephone   (919) 962-5035
FAX            (919) 962-2537

Données personnelles

BornJuly 22, 1949,Monroe,North Carolina
Married, three children


Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, UNC-Chapel Hill, May 1976
Internship, Clinical Psychology,Univ.ofMinnesota, August 1976
B.A. with Honors, Psychology, UNC-Chapel Hill, May 1971

Positions occupées

Professeur de psychologie UNC-Chapel Hill 1990-present
Professeur de Recherche en psychiatrie UNC- Chapel Hill 2007- present
Directeur, Programme en Psychologie Clinique UNC-Chapel Hill 1993-2003, 2004-06
Assistant Département Recherche UNC-Chapel Hill 1991-92
Professeur Associé de Psychologie UNC-Chapel Hill 1983-90
Professeur Assistant de Psychologie UNC-Chapel Hill 1980-83
Professeur Assistant de Psychologie TexasTechUniversity 1976-80


Prix dela FondationSabbatiqueKenan UNC-Chapel Hill 1991
Prix dela FondationSabbatique UNC-Chapel Hill 2000
Reynolds UNC- Chapel Hill 2008
Prix de le Fondation Sabbatique Kenan


Psychologue licencié State ofNorth Carolina 1981-present
Psychologue licencié State ofTexas 1977-81

Organisations professionnelles

American Psychological Association
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
North Carolina Psychological Association
Society for Personality Assessment

Honneurs et prix

Prix M. David Galinsky de l’Excellence en Supervision Clinique, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2011

Professeur Distingué de Psychologie Richard Simpson, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2008

Prix University Mentor pour l’ensemble de sa carrière, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2008

Contributions exceptionnelles à la Scienceet à l’Enseignement, North Carolina Psychological Association 60th Anniversary Distinguished Service Award, 2008.

Mary G. Clarke Award, Contribution exceptionnelles de sa carrirère à la psychologie in North Carolina, 1997.

Diplomate, Commission Américaine de Psychologie de l’Evaluation,  1995.

Professeur Distingué de Psychologie, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1994

Prix Tanner, Prix de l’enseignement universitaire de premier cycle , UNC-Chapel Hill, 1992

Prix de l’Enseignement de Premier cycle, Département de Psychologie, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1989

Professeur Exceptionnel, Université de Texas Tech, 1979-80

Prix Martin S. Wallach, Candidat exceptionnel au doctorat en psychologie clinique, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1976

Sigma Xi, Association de Recherche Scientifique d’Amérique du Nord, 1976

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, 1971

Phi Beta Kappa, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1970

Fonctions professionnelles occupées


Conseil d’Administration Klaus-Grawe Foundation for the Advancement of Psychotherapy Research, Zurich, Switzerland 2010- present
Comité de Rédaction Applied & Preventive Psychology: Current Scientific Perspectives 2004-present
Rédacteur en Chef Adjoint Behavior Therapy 1992-95
Comité de Rédaction

Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy

Comité de Rédaction Contemporary Psychology 1989-90
Comité de Rédaction Behavior Therapy 1989-92, 2005-present
Comité de Rédaction Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 2003-present
Comité de Rédaction Journal of Family Psychology 1989-2006
Comité de Rédaction Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1987-89
Comité de Rédaction Cognitive Therapy and Research 1987-present
Comité de Rédaction Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1983-90
Comité de Rédaction

American Journal of Family Therapy

Vice Président NC Psychological Foundation 1992-96
Président NC Psychological Association 1991-92
Représentant NC Psychological Association 1989-90
Commission de planification dans le long terme NC Psychological Association 1987-88
Commité d’éthique NC Psychological Association 1986-89
Comité d’éthique NC Psychological Association 1982-89
Comité des Affaires Scientifiques NC Psychological Association 1981-82

Subventions de recherche reçues de l’extérieur

Baucom, D.H. & Bulik, C (Co-PIs). Enhancing Treatment for Adult Anorexia Nervosa with a Couple-Based Approach. National Institute of Mental Health, 2012- 2017. $2,499,581.

Baucom, D.H. & Bulik, C (Co-PIs). A Couple-based Intervention for Anorexia Nervosa. National Institute of Mental Health, 2007- 2011.  $450,000.

Baucom, D.H. (PI) A Couples Approach to Enhance Breast Cancer Survivorship.  National Cancer institute, 2004- 2009. $1,987,048.

Baucom, D.H. (PI in U.S.) The Impact of Social Support on Female, Male and Relationship Functioning after a Diagnosis of Breast Cancer in the USA and Germany: A Cross-cultural Perspective.Berlin,Germany: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, 2007- 2010. $40,000.

Baucom, D.H. (Co-investigator). Enhancing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for OCD: A Couple-Based Approach. Obsessive Compulsive Foundation, 2007-2009. $25,570.

Baucom, D.H. (Co-investigator). Younger Breast Cancer Survivors: Managing Uncertainty. NationalInstitute of Nursing Research, 2006- 2010.  $311,273

Baucom, D.H. (PI) CanThrive: A Couple-based psychosocial intervention for women with early stage breast cancer.  Chapel Hill,NC:LinebergerComprehensiveCancerCenter, 2003- 2004. $25,000

Baucom, D.H. (PI in U.S.) Relationship Schematic Processing: An Important Factor in Relationship Success. Berlin,Germany: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, 2003- 06. $19,500

Baucom, D. H. (Co-investigator). Partner-assisted interventions for pregnant smokers. National Cancer Institute, 1997-02.  $2,265,280

Baucom, D. H. (PI) Computerized Treatment Outcome/Patient Record for

Mental Health. Rockville,MD: National Institute of Mental Health, 1997-98. $98,422

Baucom, D. H. (PI) Extending behavioral marital therapy. Rockville,MD: National Institute of Mental Health, 1982-86. $196,897

Baucom, D. H. (PI) Effectiveness of behavioral marital therapy.  Rockville, MD:  National Institute of Mental Health, First Award, 1977-78. $7,426

Demandes de Subvention de Recherche en Cours

Baucom, D.H., Porter, L.S., & Kazak, A. (Co-PIs). Helping Parents Adapt to their Child’s Cancer: A Couple-based Approach. National Institute of Mental Health.

Baucom, D.H. (co-investigator). Women’s Recovery from Breast Cancer Reconstruction Surgery. American Cancer Society.

Selected Research Consultations and Clinical Experiences

Research consultant UniversityofCalifornia,Los Angeles, 1999- 2003
Research consultant UniversityofWashington, Seattle, 1999-2003
Research consultant Duke University Medical School, 1991-present
Research consultant Illinois Institute of Technology, 1999-2005
Research director Lucy Daniels Foundation, 1999- 2007
Research consultant Lucy Daniels Foundation, 1992-1999
Consultant Alpha Partners, Family Business Consultants, 1994-present
Psychologist Private Practice,Chapel Hill,North Carolina,
Consultant DukeUniversity,FuquaSchoolof Business,
Psychological consultant VeteransAdministrationHospital,Durham,
North Carolina, 1982
Psychological consultant VeteransAdministrationHospital,Salisbury,
North Carolina, 1982-85
Psychologist Private Practice, Lubbock, Texas, 1979-80
Psychologist Psychology Clinic,TexasTechUniversity,
Lubbock, 1976-80


Baucom, D.H. (1976). Independent masculinity and femininity scales on the California Psychological Inventory. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44, 876.

Jacobson, N. S., & Baucom, D. H. (1977). Design and assessment of nonspecific control groups in behavior modification research. Behavior Therapy, 8, 709-719.

Welsh, G. S., & Baucom, D. H. (1977). Sex, masculinity-femininity, and intelligence. Intelligence, 1, 218-233.

Baucom, D. H., & Sanders, B. S. (1978). Masculinity and femininity as factors in feminism. Journal of Personality Assessment, 42, 378-384.

Baucom, D. H., & Welsh, G. S. (1978). In support of extreme groups design for studying masculinity-femininity and intelligence. Intelligence, 2, 6-10.

Baucom, D. H., & Danker-Brown, P. S. (1979). Influence of sex roles on the development of learned helplessness. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47, 928-936.

Baucom, D. H., & Greene, R. L. (1979). The universality of generalized personality statements. Journal of Personality Assessment, 43, 497-500.

Baucom, D. H., & Welsh, G. S. (1979). A final rejoinder to Humphreys. Intelligence, 3, 167-168.

Clopton, J. R., & Baucom, D. H. (1979). MMPI ratings of suicide risk. Journal of Personality Assessment, 43, 293-296.

Sines, L. K., Baucom, D. H., & Gruba, G. H. (1979). A validity scale sign callings for caution in the interpretation of MMPIs among psychiatric inpatients. Journal of Personality Assessment, 43, 604-607.

Baucom, D. H. (1980). Independent CPI masculinity and femininity scales: Psychological correlates and a sex role typology. Journal of Personality Assessment, 44, 262-271.

Greene, R. L., Baucom, D. H., & Macon, R. S. (1980). Student’s acceptance of high and low generalized personality interpretations. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 36, 166-170.

Lester, G. W., Beckham, E., & Baucom, D. H. (1980). Implementation of behavioral marital therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 6, 189-199.

Baucom, D. H., & Aiken, P. A. (1981). The effects of depressed mood on eating among obese and nonobese dieting and nondieting persons. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 41, 577-585.

Falk, R., Gispert, M., & Baucom, D. H. (1981). Personality factors related to Black teenage pregnancy and abortion. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 5, 737-746.

Baucom, D. H. (1982). A comparison of behavioral contracting and problem-solving/communications training in behavioral marital therapy. Behavior Therapy, 13, 162-174.

Publications Continued

Aiken, P. A., & Baucom, D. H. (1982). Locus of control and depression: That confounded relationship. Journal of Personality Assessment, 46, 391-395.

Danker-Brown, P., & Baucom, D. H. (1982). Cognitive influences on the development of learned helplessness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43, 793-801.

Baucom, D. H. (1983).  Assessing change in the clinical practice of marital therapy.  American Journal of Family Psychology, 11, 67-70.

Baucom, D. H. (1983). Conceptual and psychometric issues in evaluating the effectiveness of behavioral marital therapy. In J. P. Vincent (Ed.), Advancement in family intervention, assessment, and theory: Research annual (Vol. 3).Greenwich,CT: Jai Press, Inc.

Baucom, D. H. (1983). Sex role identity and the decision to regain control among women: A learned helplessness investigation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44, 334-343.

Baucom, D. H., & Danker-Brown, P. (1983). Peer ratings of males and females possessing different sex role identities. Journal of Personality Assessment, 47, 494-506.

Baucom, D. H., & Hoffman, J. A. (1983). Common mistakes spouses make in communicating.  Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 17, 199-217.

Mehlman, S. K., Baucom, D. H., & Anderson, D. (1983). Effectiveness of cotherapists vs. single therapists and immediate vs. delayed treatment in behavioral marital therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51, 258-266.

Baucom, D. H. (1984). The active ingredients of behavioral marital therapy: The effectiveness of communication/problem-solving training, contingency contracting, and their combination.  In K. Hahlweg & N. S. Jacobson (Eds.), Marital interaction: Analysis and modification.New York:Guilford Press.

Baucom, D. H., & Aiken, P. A. (1984). Sex role identity, marital satisfaction and response to behavioral marital therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52, 438-444.

Baucom, D. H., & Danker-Brown, P. (1984). Sex role identity and gender- stereotyped tasks in the development of learned helplessness in women.   Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46, 422-430.

Baucom, D. H., & Mehlman, S. K. (1984). Predicting marital status following behavioral marital therapy: A comparison of models of marital relationships. In K. Hahlweg & N. S. Jacobson (Eds.), Marital interaction: Analysis and modification.New York:Guilford Press. 

Jacobson, N. S., Follette, W. C., Revenstorf, D., Baucom, D. H., Hahlweg, K., & Margolin, G. (1984). Variability in outcome and clinical significance of behavioral marital therapy: A reanalysis of outcome data. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52, 497-504.

Baucom, D. H., Besch, P. K., & Callahan, S. (1985). The relationship between testosterone concentration, sex role identity, and personality among females. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48, 1218-1226.

Publications Continued

Baucom, D. H., & Hoffman, J. A. (1986). The effectiveness of marital therapy: Current status and application to the clinical setting. In N. S. Jacobson and A. Gurman (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marital therapy (pp. 597-620).New York:Guilford Press.

Baucom, D. H., & Lester, G. W. (1986). The usefulness of cognitive restructuring as an adjunct to behavioral marital therapy. Behavior Therapy, 17, 385-403.

Baucom, D. H., & Weiss, B. (1986). Peers’ granting of control to women with different sex role identities: Implications for depression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1075-1080.

Baucom, D. H. (1987). Attributions in distressed relationships:  How can we explain them? In S. Duck & D. Perlman (Eds.), Heterosexual relations, marriage, and divorce.London: Sage Publications.

Baucom, D. H. (1987). Marriage: A shifting phenomenon. [Review of Contemporary marriage: Special issues in couples therapy].  Contemporary Psychology, 32, 804-805.

Baucom, D. H., & Adams, A. (1987). Assessing communication in marital interaction. In K. D. O’Leary (Ed.), Assessment of marital discord. (pp. 139-182).Hillsdale,NJ: Laurence Erlbaum.

Baucom, D. H., & Sher, T. G. (1987). Application of marital research and methodology to the study of the family. In K. Hahlweg & M. Goldstein (Eds.), Understanding major mental disorder: Contribution of family interaction research. New York: Family Process Publications.

Baucom, D. H., & Wheeler, C. M. (1987). Cognitive behavioral marital therapy. In K. Hahlweg & J.C. Brengelmann (Eds.). Neuere Entwicklungen der verhaltenstherapie bei Kindern, Ehepaaren und Familien. Munchen: Gerhard Rottger Verlag.

Fincham, F. D., Beach, S. R., & Baucom, D. H. (1987). Attribution processing in distressed and nondistressed couples: 4. Self-partner attribution differences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 739-748. 

Epstein, N., & Baucom, D.H. (1988). Outcome research on cognitive- behavioral marital therapy: conceptual and methodological issues. Journal of Family Psychology, 1, 378-384.

Hahlweg, K., Baucom, D. H., & Markman, H. (1988). Recent advances in therapy and prevention. In I. R. H. Falloon (Ed.), Handbook of behavioral family therapy.New York:Guilford Press.

Baucom, D. H. (1989). All in the family: An overview of assessment strategies. [Review of Handbook of measurements for marriage and family therapy]. Contemporary Psychology, 34, 993-994.

Baucom, D.H. (1989). The role of cognitions in behavioral marital therapy: Current status and future directions. Behavior Therapist, 12, 3-6.

Baucom, D. H., & Epstein, N. (1989).  The role of cognitive variables in the assessment and treatment of marital discord. In  M. Hersen, R. Eisler, & P. Miller (Eds.), Progress in behavior modification (Vol. 24, pp. 223-251).  Newbury Park,CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Publications Continued

Baucom, D. H., Epstein, N., Sayers, S., & Sher, T. G. (1989). The role of cognitions in marital relationships: Definitional, methodological, and conceptual issues. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57, 31-38.

Baucom, D. H., & Sayers, S. L. (1989). The behavioral observation of couples: Where have we lagged and what is the next step in the sequence? Behavioral Assessment, 11, 149-159.

Baucom, D. H., Sayers, S. L., & Duhe, A. D. (1989). Attributional style and attributional patterns among married couples. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 596-607.

Epstein, N., & Baucom, D. H. (1989). Cognitive-behavioral marital therapy. In A. Freeman (Ed.), Comprehensive handbook of cognitive therapy (pp. 491-513).New York: Plenum Press.

Peterson, C. D., Baucom, D. H., Elliott, M. J., & Farr, P. A. (1989).  The relationship between sex role identity and marital adjustment.  Sex Roles, 21, 775-788.

Baucom, D. H. (1990). A cognitive/behavioral marital therapist thinks aloud. In F. Kaslow (Ed.), Voices in family psychology (pp. 177-193).Newbury Park,CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Baucom, D. H. (1990).  Helping couples through cognitive therapy.  [Review of Love is never enough].  Contemporary Psychology, 35, 990-991.

Baucom, D. H., & Epstein, N. (1990). Cognitive behavioral marital therapy.New York: Brunner/Mazel. 

Baucom, D. H., Notarius, C. I., Burnett, C., & Haefner, P. (1990).  Gender differences and sex role identity: Implications for marital interaction.  In F. D. Fincham & T. Bradbury (Eds.), The psychology of marriage: Conceptual, empirical, and applied perspectives (pp. 150-171). New York:Guilford Press.

Baucom, D. H., Sayers, S. L., & Sher, T. G. (1990).  Supplementing behavioral marital therapy with cognitive restructuring and emotional expressiveness training: An outcome investigation.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 58, 636-645.

Iverson, A., & Baucom, D. H. (1990).  Behavioral marital therapy outcomes: Alternative interpretations of the data. Behavior Therapy, 21, 129-138.

Sher, T. G., Baucom, D. H., & Larus, J. M. (1990).  Communication patterns and response to treatment among depressed and nondepressed maritally distressed couples.  Journal of Family Psychology, 4, 63-79.

Baucom, D.H., & Epstein, N. (1991).  Will the real cognitive-behavioral marital therapy please stand up?  Journal of Family Psychology, 4, 394-401.

Sayers, S. L., & Baucom, D. H. (1991).  The role of femininity and masculinity in distressed couples’ communication.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 641-647.

Sayers, S. L., Baucom, D. H., Sher, T. G., Weiss, R. L., & Heyman, R. (1991).  Constructive engagement, behavioral marital therapy, and changes in marital satisfaction.  Behavioral Assessment, 13, 25-49.

Publications Continued

Baucom, D. H., Epstein, N., & Carels, R. (1992).  A cognitive-behavioral model of marital dysfunction and marital therapy.  In S. Budman, M. Hoyt, & S. Friedman (Eds.), A casebook of brief therapy (pp. 225-254). New York:Guilford.

Baucom, D. H., Epstein, N., Burnett, C. K., & Rankin, L. (1993). Conflict in marriage: A cognitive/behavioral formulation. In S. Worchel & J. Simpson (Eds.), Conflict between people and peoples (pp. 7-29). Chicago: Nelson-Hall.

Epstein, N., & Baucom, D.H. (1993).  Cognitive factors in marital disturbance.  In K.S. Dobson & P.C. Kendall (Eds.), Psychopathology and cognition.San Diego: Academic Press.

Epstein, N., Baucom, D. H., & Rankin, L.A. (1993).  Treatment of marital conflict: A cognitive-behavioral approach. Clinical Psychology Review, 13, 45-57.

Sayers, S. L., Baucom, D. H., & Rankin, L. (1993).  Marital distress.  In A. S. Bellack & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of behavior therapy in the psychiatric setting, (pp. 575-594).New York: Plenum Press.

Sayers, S.L., Baucom, D.H., & Tierney, A.M. (1993).  Who can get their way? Sex roles, depression, and interpersonal control.  Journal of Research in Personality, 27, 377-395. 

Sher, T.G., & Baucom, D.H. (1993).  Marital communication: Differences among maritally distressed, depressed, and nondistressed-nondepressed couples.  Journal of Family Psychology, 7, 148-153. 

Walsh, V.L., Baucom, D.H., Tyler, S., & Sayers, S.L. (1993).   Impact of message valence, focus, expressive style, and gender on communication patterns among maritally distressed couples. Journal of Family Psychology, 7, 163-175.

Baucom, D.H. (1994).  The person and marriage: Attending to individual and dyadic concerns.  Behavior Therapy, 25, 341-344.

Baucom, D.H. (1995).  A new look at sentiment override– Let’s not get carried away yet.  Journal of Family Psychology, 9, 15-18.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., & Rankin, L.A. (1995). Cognitive aspects of cognitive/behavioral marital therapy.  In N.S. Jacobson and A. Gurman (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marital therapy (2nd Edition) (pp. 65-90). New York:Guilford.

Sayers, S.L., & Baucom, D.H. (1995).  Multidimensional scaling of spouses’ attributions for marital conflicts.  Cognitive therapy and research, 19, 667-694.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., Daiuto, A.D., Carels, R.A., Rankin, L.A., & Burnett, C.K. (1996).  Cognitions in marriage: The relationship between standards and attributions.  Journal of Family Psychology, 10, 209-222.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., Rankin, L.A., & Burnett, C.K. (1996).  Assessing relationship standards: The Inventory of Specific Relationship Standards.  Journal of Family Psychology, 10, 72-88.

Publications Continued

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., Rankin, L.A., & Burnett, C.K. (1996).  Understanding and treating marital distress from a cognitive-behavioral orientation.  In K.S. Dobson & K.D. Craig (Eds.), Advances in cognitive-behavioral therapy (pp. 210-236).Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage Publications.

Epstein, N., & Baucom, D. H. (1996).  A cognitive-behavioral approach to couples’ problems: A program of research and its clinical applications.  In W. Dryden (Ed.), Research in counseling and psychotherapy (pp. 133-161). London: Sage.

Gray-Little, B., Baucom, D.H., & Hamby, S.L. (1996).  Marital power, marital adjustment, and therapy outcome.  Journal of Family Psychology, 10, 292-303.

Keefe, F.J., Caldwell, D.S., Baucom, D.H., Robinson, E., Timmons, K., Beaupre, P.,  Weisburg, J., & Helms, M. (1996).  Spouse-assisted coping skills training in the management of osteoarthritic knee pain.  Arthritis Care and Research, 9, 279-291.

Baucom, D.H., & Coop-Gordon, Kristina (1997).  A review of After the AffairThe Behavior Therapist, 20(5), 91-92.

Epstein, N., Baucom, D.H., & Daiuto, A.D. (1997). Cognitive-behavioral couples therapy.  In W.K. Halford & H.J. Markman (Eds.), The clinical handbook of marriage and couples interactions (pp. 415-449). New York: Wiley.

Keefe, F., Kashikar-Zuck, S., Robinson, E., Salley, A., Beaupre, P., Caldwell, D., Baucom, D.H., & Haythornthwaite, J. (1997).  Pain coping strategies that predict patients’ and spouses’ ratings of patients’ self-efficacy.  Pain, 73, 191-199.

Rankin-Esquer, L. A., Burnett, C. K., Baucom, D. H., & Epstein, N. (1997).  Autonomy and relatedness in marital functioning.  Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 23, 175-190.

Baucom, D.H. Recommendations for a multilevel nation-wide program to prevent marital distress and divorce (1998).  In K. Hahlweg , D.H. Baucom, Bastine, R., & Markman, H.J. (Eds.), Prddiktion und prdvention von beziehungsstvungen und scheidung (pp. 13-26) [Prediction and prevention of marital distress and divorce.].  Bonn: BMFS.

Baucom, D.H., Burnett, C.K., VanWidenfelt, B., Schilling, E., Sandin, E., & Ragland, L. (1998).  The prevention of marital discord and divorce: An international perspective.  In K. Hahlweg , D.H. Baucom, Bastine, R., & Markman, H.J. (Eds.),  Prddiktion und prdvention von beziehungsstvungen und scheidung (pp. 171-190) [Prediction and prevention of marital distress and divorce.].  Bonn: BMFS.

Baucom, D.H., Shoham, V., Mueser, K.T., Daiuto, A.D., & Stickle, T.R. (1998).  Empirically supported couples and family therapies for adult problems.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66, 53-88.

Carels, R.A., Baucom, D.H., Leone, P.L., & Rigney, A.R. (1998).  Psychological factors and psychological symptoms: HIV in a public health setting.  Journal of Community Psychology, 26, 145-162.

Publications Continued

Chambless, D.L., Baker, M.J., Baucom, D.H., Beutler, L.E., Calhoun, K.S., Crits-Christoph, P., Daiuto, A., DeRubeis, R., Detweiler, J., Haaga, D.A.F., Johnson, S.B., McCurry, S., Mueser, K.T., Pope, K.S., Sanderson, W.C., Shoham, V., Stickle, T., Williams, D.A., & Woody, S.R. (1998).  Update on Empirically Validated Therapies, II.  The Clinical Psychologist, 51, 3-16.

Daiuto, A.D., Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., & Dutton, S.S. (1998).  The application of cognitive-behavioral marital therapy to the assessment and treatment of agoraphobia: Implications of empirical research.  Clinical Psychology Review, 18, 663-687.

Datillio, F.M., Epstein, N., & Baucom, D.H. (1998).  An introduction to cognitive-behavioral therapy with couples and families.  In F.M. Dattilio (Ed.), Case studies in couple and family therapy: Systemic and cognitive perspectives (pp. 1-36). New York:Guilford Press.

Epstein, N., & Baucom, D.H. (1998).  Cognitive-behavioral couple therapy.  In F.M. Dattilio (Ed.), Case studies in couple and family therapy: Systemic and cognitive perspectives (pp. 37-61). New York:Guilford Press.

Floyd, F.J., Baucom, D.H., J., Godfrey, J., & Palmer, C. (1998).  Observational methods.  In N. Schooler (Ed.), Comprehensive clinical psychology. Oxford: Elsevier Science Limited.

Gordon, K. C. & Baucom, D. H. (1998).  Understanding betrayals in marriage:  A synthesized model of forgiveness.  Family Process, 37, 425-449.

Hahlweg, K., Baucom, D.H., Bastine, R., & Markman, H.J. (Eds.). (1998).  Prddiktion und prdvention von beziehungsstvungen und scheidung [Prediction and prevention of marital distress and divorce.]. Bonn: BMFS.

Carels, R.A., & Baucom, D.H. (1999). Support in marriage: Factors associated with online perceptions of support helpfulness.  Journal of Family Psychology,13, 131-144..

Gordon, K. C., & Baucom, D. H.  (1999).  A forgiveness-based intervention for addressing extramarital affairs.  Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 6, 382-399

Gordon, K. C., Baucom, D. H., Rankin, L. A., Burnett, C. K. & Epstein, N. (1999). The interaction between marital standards and communication patterns: How does it contribute to marital adjustment?  Journal of Marital and Family Therapy,25, 211-223.

Keefe, F.J., Caldwell, D.S, Baucom, D.H., Salley, A., Robinson, E., Timmons, K., Beaupre, P., Weisberg, J., & Helms, M. (1999).  Spouse-assisted coping skills training in the management of knee pain in osteoarthritis: Long-term followup results.  Arthritis Care and Research, 12, 101-111.

Palmer, C.A., & Baucom, D.H. (1999). Making the most of your clinical Ph.D.: Preparing for a successful career in an evolving and diversified profession.  The Clinical Psychologist, 52, 7-18.

Publications Continued

Baucom, D. H., Epstein, N. & Gordon, K. C.  (2000).  Marital therapy: Theory, practice, and empirical status.  In C. R. Snyder & R.E. Ingram (Eds.), Handbook of psychological change: Psychotherapy processes and practices for the 21st century (pp. 280- 308). New York,N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Gordon, K. C., Baucom, D. H., & Snyder, D. K.  (2000).  The use of forgiveness in marital therapy.  In M. E. McCullough, K. Pargament, & C. Thoresen, (Eds.), Forgiveness: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 203-227). New York,NY: Guilford Press.

Palmer, C.A., Baucom, D.H., & McBride, C. (2000).  A couple approach to smoking cessation.  In K.B. Schmaling & T.G. Sher (Eds.), The psychology of couples and illness (pp. 311-336). Washington,D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Allen, B. S., Baucom, D. H., Burnett, C. K., Epstein, N., & Rankin-Esquer, L. A. (2001). Decision-making power, autonomy, and communication in remarried and first-married spouses. Family Relations, 50, 326-334.

Atkins, D., Baucom, D.H., & Jacobson, N.S. (2001).  Understanding infidelity: Correlates in a national random sample.  Journal of Family Psychology, 15, 735-749.

Baucom, D.H. (2001). Religion and the science of relationships: Is a happy marriage possible?  Journal of Family Psychology, 15, 652-656.

Pollack, K. I., McBride, C. M., Baucom, D. H., Curry, S. J., Lando, H., Pirie, P. L., & Grothaus, L. C. (2001). Women’s perceived and partners’ reported support for smoking cessation during pregnancy. Annuls of Behavioral Medicine, 23, 208-214.

Sher, T., & Baucom, D.H. (2001). Mending a broken heart:  A couples approach to cardiac risk reduction.  Applied and Preventive Psychology, 10, 125-133.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., & LaTaillade, J.J. (2002).  Cognitive behavioral couple therapy.  In A.S. Gurman & N.S. Jacobson (Eds.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy (3rd ed.) (pp. 26-58). New York:Guilford.

Epstein, N., & Baucom, D. H. (2002). Enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapy for couples: A contextual approach.Washington,DC: American Psychological Association.

Epstein, N., Baucom, D.H., Hunt, W., & LaTaillade, J. (2002). Brief cognitive-behavioral therapy for couples. In F. Bond & W. Dryden (Eds.), Handbook of brief cognitive behavioural therapy (pp. 187-205).Chichester,UK: Wiley.

Stanton, S., Fredman, S.J., & Baucom, D.H. (2002).  Depressed/maritally distressed? Help is on the way.  [Review of the book Marital and family process in depression: A Scientific foundation for clinical practice]. Contemporary Psychology, 47, 340-342.

Publications Continued

Baucom, D.H., Hahlweg, K., & Kuschel, A. (2003).  Are waiting list control groups needed in future marital therapy outcome research?  Behavior Therapy, 34, 179-188.

Baucom, D. H., Stanton, S., & Epstein, N. (2003). Anxiety. In D. K. Snyder & M. A. Whisman (Eds.), Treating difficult couples (pp. 57-87).New York:Guilford Press.

Epstein, N., & Baucom, D.H. (2003).  Overcoming roadblocks in cognitive-behavioral therapy with couples.  In R.L. Leahy (Ed.)  Overcoming roadblocks in cognitive therapy (pp. 187-205).  New York: Guilford.

Gordon, K.C., & Baucom, D.H. (2003).  Forgiveness and marriage: Preliminary support for a measure based on a model of recovery from a marital betrayal.  American Journal of Family Therapy, 31, 179-199.

Keefe, F.J., Ahles,T.A., Porter, L.S.., Sutton, L.M., McBride, C.M., Pope, M.S., McKinstry, E.T., Furstenberg, C.P., Dalton, J., & Baucom, D.H. (2003). The self-efficacy of family caregivers for helping cancer patients manage pain at end-of-life. Pain, 103 (1-2), 157-162.

Schilling, E. A., Baucom, D. H., Burnett, C. K., Allen, E. A., & Ragland, L. (2003). Altering the course of marriage: The effect of PREP communication skills acquisition on couples’ risk of becoming maritally distressed. Journal of Family Psychology, 17(1), 41-53.

Allen, E. S., & Baucom, D. H. (2004).  Adult attachment and patterns of extradyadic involvement. Family Process, 43, 467-488.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N.B., & Sullivan, L.J. (2004). Brief couple therapy.  In M. Dewan, B. Steenbarger, & R.P. Greenberg (Eds.), The art and science of brief therapies (pp. 189-227). Washington,D.C.: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.

Baucom, D. H., & Kerig, P. K. (2004). Coding couples’ interactions: Introduction and overview. In P. K. Kerig & D. H. Baucom (Eds.), Couple observational coding systems (pp. 3-10).Mahway,NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum.

Carson, J.W., Carson, K.M., Gil, K.M., & Baucom, D.H. (2004). Mindfulness-based relationship enhancement, Behavior Therapy, 35, 471-494.

Christensen, A., Atkins, D., Berns, S., Wheeler, J., Baucom, D. H., & Simpson, L. (2004). Traditional versus integrative behavioral couple therapy for significantly and chronically distressed married couples. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72, 176-191.

Gordon, K.C., Baucom, D.H., & Snyder, D.K. (2004).  An integrative intervention for promoting recovery from extramarital affairs.  Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 30, 213-231.

Keefe, F. J., Blumenthal, J., Baucom, D. H., Affleck, G., Waugh, R., Caldwell, D., et al. (2004). Effects of spouse-assisted coping skills training and exercise training in patients with osteoarthritic knee pain: A randomized controlled study. Pain, 110(3), 539-549. 

Kerig, P. K., & Baucom, D. H. (Eds.). (2004). Couple observational coding systems.Mahway,NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum.

Publications Continued

McBride, C. M., Baucom, D. H., Peterson, B., Pollak, K. I., Palmer, C. A., Westman, E., et al. (2004). A partner-assisted approach to promote pre- and postpartum smoking abstinence. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 27, 232-238.

Smith, S. J., Keefe, F.J., Caldwell, D.S., Romano, J. & Baucom, D. (2004) Gender differences in patient-spouse interactions: A sequential analysis of behavioral interactions in patients having osteoarthritic knee pain. Pain, 112, 183-187.

Snyder, D.K, Gordon, K.C., & Baucom, D.H. (2004).  Treating Affair Couples: Extending the Written Disclosure Paradigm to Relationship Trauma.  Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 11, 155-160.

Sullivan, L. J., & Baucom, D.H. (2004). The Relationship-Schematic coding system: Behavioral manifestations of thinking in relationship terms.  In P.K. Kerig & D.H. Baucom (Eds.) Couple observational coding systems (pp. 289- 304). Mahwah,NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Allen, E.S., Atkins, D.C., Baucom, D.H., Snyder, D.S., Gordon, K.C., & Glass, S.P. (2005).  Intrapersonal, interpersonal, and contextual factors in engaging in and responding to extramarital involvement.  Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 12, 101- 130.

Atkins, D. C., Eldridge, K. A., Baucom, D. H., & Christensen, A. (2005). Infidelity and behavioral couple therapy: Optimism in the face of betrayal.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73, 144-150.

Atkins, D. C., Yi, J., Baucom, D. H., & Christensen, A. (2005). Infidelity in couples seeking marital therapy. Journal of Family Psychology, 19(3), 470-473.

Baucom, D. H., Gordon, K. C., & Snyder, D. K. (2005). Treating affair couples: An integrative approach. In J. L. Lebow (Ed.), Handbook of clinical family therapy (pp. 431- 463).New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Baucom, D. H., Porter, L. S., Kirby, J. S., Gremore, T. M., & Keefe, F. J. (2005). Psychosocial issues confronting young women with breast cancer. Breast Disease, 22, 1-11.

Christensen, A., Baucom, D.H., Vu, C.T.A., & Stanton, S. (2005). Methodologically sound, cost-effective research on the outcome of couple therapy.  Journal of Family Psychology, 19, 6- 17.

Gordon, K. C., Baucom, D. H., & Snyder, D. K. (2005). Forgiveness in couples: Divorce, affairs, and couples therapy. InE. Worthington(Ed.), Handbook of forgiveness (pp. 407-421).New York: Routledge.

Gordon, K. C., Baucom, D. H., & Snyder, D. K. (2005). Treating couples recovering from infidelity: An integrative approach. Journal of Clinical Psychology:  In-Session, 61(11), 1393-1406.

Publications Continued

Keefe, F. J., Ahles, T. A., Sutton, L., Dalton, J. A., Baucom, D. H., Pope, M. S., et al. (2005). Partner-guided cancer pain management at end-of-life: A preliminary study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 29(3), 263-272.

Kirby, J. S., Baucom, D. H., & Peterman, M. A. (2005). An investigation of unmet intimacy needs in marital relationships. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 31(4), 313-325.

Kroger, C., Klann, N., Hahlweg, K., & Baucom, D.H. (2005). Beratungsbegleitende forschung: Ein zugang zur wirksamkeit von paarberatung unter feldbedingungen. (Counseling Resarch: A procedure to assess the effectiveness of couples counseling in field settings) (2005). Verhaltenstherapie & Psychosoziale Praxis, 37 (3), 531-539.

Sullivan, L.J., & Baucom, D.H. (2005). Observational coding of relationship-schematic processing.  Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 31, 31-43.

Allen, B.S., & Baucom, D.H. (2006). Dating, marital, and hypothetical extradyadic involvements: How do they compare? The Journal of Sex Research, 43, 307- 317.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., & Stanton, S. (2006).  The treatment of relationship distress: Theoretical perspectives and empirical findings.  In A. Vangelisti & D. Perlman (Eds.)  The Cambridge handbook of personal relationships (pp. 745- 765). Cambridge:CambridgeUniversity Press.

Baucom, D.H., Gordon, K.C., Snyder, D.K., Atkins, D.C., & Christensen, A. (2006). Treating affair couples: Clinical considerations and initial findings.  Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 20, 375-392.

Baucom, D.H., Hahlweg, K., Atkins, D.C., Engl, J., & Thurmaier, F. (2006). The long-term prediction of marital quality following a relationship education program: Being positive in a constructive way.  Journal of Family Psychology, 20, 448-455.

Carson, J. W., Carson, K. M., Gil, K. M., & Baucom, D. H. (2006). Mindfulness-based relationship enhancement (MBRE) in couples. In R. Baer (Ed.), Mindfulness-Based Interventions: A Clinician’s Guide (pp. 309- 331).San Diego: Elsevier.

Christensen, A., Atkins, D., Yi, J., Baucom, D.H., & George, W.H. (2006). Couple and individual adjustment for two years following a randomized clinical trial comparing traditional versus integrative behavioral couple therapy.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74, 1180- 1191.

Epstein, N.B., Baucom, D.H., & LaTaillade, J.J. (2006).  Marital problems.  In J.E. Fisher & W. O’Donohue (Eds.), Practice guidelines for evidence based psychotherapy (pp. 396-407). New York: Springer.

Pollak, K.I., Baucom, D.H., Palmer, C.A., Peterson, B.L., Østbye, T., & Stanton, S. (2006). Couples’ reports of support for smoking cessation predicting women’s late pregnancy cessation.  American Journal of Health Promotion, 21(2): 90-96.

Pollak, K.I., Baucom, D.H., Peterson, B.L., Stanton, S., & McBride, C.M. (2006). Rated helpfulness and partner-reported smoking support across the pregnancy-postpartum continuum. Health Psychology, 25(6): 762-770.

Publications Continued

Carson, J. W., Carson, K. M., Gil, K. M., & Baucom, D. H. (2007).  Self-expansion as a mediator of relationship improvements in a mindfulness intervention. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 33, 517-528.

Epstein, N.B., & Baucom, D.H. (2007).  Homework in couple therapy.  In N. Kazantzis & L. L’Abate (Eds.), Handbook of homework assignments in psychotherapy: Research, practice, and prevention (pp. 187-201).  Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Kirby, J. S., & Baucom, D. H. (2007).  Integrating dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive-behavioral couple therapy: A couples skills group for emotion dysregulation.  Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 14, 394- 405.

Kirby, J. S., & Baucom, D. H. (2007). Treating emotional dysregulation in a couples context: A pilot study of a couples skills group intervention. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 33(3), 1-17.

Kröger, C., Vasterling, I., Schütz, K., Plack, K., Gordon, K.C., & Baucom, D.H. (2007) Kognitiv-behaviorale Paartherapie nach Affäre: Zwei Fallbeschreibungen. Verhaltenstherapie, 17, 271- 277.

Snyder, D.K., Baucom, D.H., & Gordon, K.C. (2007). Getting Past the Affair: A Program to Help You Cope, Heal, and Move On– Together or Apart. New York:Guilford Press.

Sterba, K.R., DeVellis, R.F., Lewis, M.A., Baucom, D.H., Jordon, J.M., & DeVallis, B. (2007).  Developing and testing a measure of dyadic efficacy for married women with rheumatoid arthritis and their spouses.  Arthritis Care and Research, 57, 294-302.

Zimmermann, T., Heinrichs, N., & Baucom, D.H. (2007). Does one size fit all? Moderators in psychosocial interventions for breast cancer patients: A meta-analysis.  Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 34, 225-39. 

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., LaTaillade, J.J, & Kirby, J.S. (2008).  Cognitive behavioral couple therapy.  In A.S. Gurman & N.S. Jacobson (Eds.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy (4th ed., 31-72). New York: Guilford.

Belanger, C., Leduc, A., Fredman, S., El-Baalbaki, G., & Baucom, D. H. (2008). Couples et troubles anxieux: Évaluation et intervention (The couple relationship and anxiety disorders: Assessment and intervention). In J. Wright, Y. Lussier, & S. Sabourin (Eds.), La psychothérapie de couple: un guide clinique.  (Couples therapy: A clinical guide). (pp. 507-539). Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec (University of Québec Press).

Fredman, S. J., Baucom, D. H., Miklowitz, D. J., & Stanton, S. E. (2008). Observed emotional involvement and overinvolvement in families of patients with bipolar disorder. Journal of Family Psychology, 22, 71-79.

Gordon, K. C., Baucom, D. H., Snyder, D. K. (2008). Optimal Strategies in Couple Therapy: Treating Couples Dealing with the Trauma of Infidelity.  Journal of Contemporary Psychology, 38, 151-160.

Publications Continued 

Gordon, K. C., Baucom, D. H., Snyder, D. K., & Dixon, L. (2008). Couple therapy and the treatment of affairs.  In A.S. Gurman & N.S. Jacobson (Eds.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy (4th ed.). New York: Guilford.

Hahlweg, K. & Baucom, D. H. (2008). Partnerschaft und psychische Störung. Fortschritte der Psychotherapie, Band 30. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Porter, L.S., Keefe, F.J., Garst, J., McBride, C.M., & Baucom, D.H. (2008).  Self-efficacy for managing pain, symptoms, and function in patients with lung cancer and their informal caregivers: Associations with symptoms & distress. Pain, 137, 306-315. 

Snyder, D.K., Baucom, D.H., & Gordon, K.C. (2008).  An integrative approach to treating infidelity.  The Family Journal, 16, 300-307. 

Snyder, D.K., Baucom, D.H., & Gordon, K.C. (2008).  Treating infidelity: An integrative approach to resolving trauma and promoting forgiveness.  In P. R. Peluso (Ed.), In Love’s Debris: A Practitioner’s Guide to Addressing Infidelity in Couples Therapy (pp. 95- 125). New York: Routledge.

Sterba, K.R., DeVellis, R.F., Lewis, M.A., DeVallis,B.M., Jordon, J.M., & Baucom, D.H. (2008). Effect of couple illness perception congruence on psychological adjustment in women with rheumatoid arthritis. Health Psychology, 27, 221-229. 

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., Kirby, J.S., & LaTaillade, J.J. (2009).  Cognitive-behavioral couple therapy.  In K.S. Dobson (Ed.), Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies (3rd ed., pp 411-444). New York:Guilford.

Baucom, D.H., & Kirby, J.S. (2009). Cognitive-behavioral couple therapy. In Harry T. Reis & Susan Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relationships.Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage. 

Baucom, D.H., Kirby, J.S., & Kelly, J.T. (2009).  Couple-based interventions to assist partners with psychological and medical problems.  In K. Hahlweg, M. Grawe, & D. H. Baucom (Eds.), Enhancing couples: The shape of couple therapy to come (pp. 79- 93). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Baucom, D.H., Porter, L.S., Kirby, J.S., Gremore, T.M., Wiesenthal, N., Aldridge, W., Fredman, S.J., Stanton, S.E., Scott, J.L., Halford, K.W., & Keefe, F.J. (2009). A couple- based intervention for female breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 18, 276-283.

Baucom, D.H., Snyder, D.K., & Gordon, K.C. (2009). Helping couples get past the affair. New York:Guilford Press.

Blumenthal, J.A., Keefe, F.J., Babyak, M., Fenwick, C.V., Johnson, J.M., Tereza Martinu, PA-C., Stott, K., Palmer, S., Baucom, D. H., & Emory, C.F. (2009). Coping Skills Training for Patients with COPD and their Caregivers: Rationale, Design, and Methodological Issues for the INSPIRE-II Study. Clinical Trials, 6(2), 172-184.

Publications Continued 

Fredman, S. J., Baucom, D. H., Gremore, T. M., Castellani, A. M., Kallman, T. A., Porter, L. S., Kirby, J. S., Dees, E. C., Klauber-DeMore, N., Peppercorn, J., & Carey, L. A. (2009). Quantifying the recruitment challenges in couple-based health interventions: Application to breast cancer.  Psycho-Oncology, 18, 667-673.

Gordon, C.L., & Baucom, D. H. (2009 ). Examining the Individual within Marriage: Personal Strengths and Relationship Satisfaction. Personal Relationships, 16, 421–435

Hahlweg, K., Baucom, D.H., Grawe, M., & Snyder, D.K. (2009). Strengthening couples and families: Dissemination of interventions for the treatment and prevention of couple distress. In K. Hahlweg, M. Grawe, & D. H. Baucom (Eds.), Enhancing couples: The shape of couple therapy to come (pp. 3-29). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Hahlweg, K., Grawe, M., & Baucom, D.H. (Eds.), (2009). Enhancing couples: The shape of couple therapy to come. Göttingen: Hogrefe. 

Porter, L.S., Keefe, F.J., Baucom, D.H., Hurwitz, H., Moser, B. (2009).  Partner-Assisted Emotional Disclosure for GI Cancer: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Cancer, 115, 4326-38.

Zimmermann, T., Heinrichs, N., Baucom, D.H. (2009). Is a meta-analysis following common meta-analytical procedures going awry? A response to Coyne, Thombs, and Hagedoorn. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37(1), 97-100.

El-Baalbaki, G , Bélanger, C., Perreault, M., Fredman, S.,& Baucom, D.(2010). Marital Interactions in Predicting Treatment Outcome  in Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia. International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences 2 (4), 249- 259.

Plack, K., Kröger, C., Allen, E.S., Baucom, D.H. & Hahlweg, K. (2010). Risikofaktoren für Untreue – warum Partner fremdgehen. [Risk factors of infidelity- why do we have affairs?] Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 39 (3), 189-199.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., Kirby, J.S., & Falconier, M.K. (2011).  Couple Therapy: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Findings.  In D.H. Barlow (Ed.), Oxford handbook of clinical psychology. (pp. 789-809).New York:OxfordUniversity Press.

Bulik, C.M., Baucom, D.H., & Kirby, J. S. (2011). Couples therapy for anorexia nervosa.  In J. Alexander (Ed.), Eating disorders- Opening the door, A Collaborative Approach to Eating Disorders.Australia: Routledge, pp. 189-200.

Bulik, C.M., Baucom, D.H., Kirby, J. S., & Pisetsky, E. (2011). Uniting couples (in the treatment of) anorexia nervosa (UCAN). International Journal of Eating Disorders, 44 (1), 19-28.

Ditzen, B., Hahlweg, K., Fehm-Wolfsdorf, G., & Baucom, D. (2011). Assisting couples to develop healthy relationships: Effects of couples relationship education on cortisol. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36(5), 597-607. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2010.07.019

Gremore, T.M., Baucom, D.H., Porter, L., Kirby, J.S., Atkins, D.A., & Keefe, F. (2011).  Stress buffering effects of daily spousal support on women’s daily emotional and physical experiences in the context of breast cancer concerns. Health Psychology, 30(1), 20-30.

Publications Continued

Hahlweg, K., & Baucom, D. H. (2011). Relationships and embitterment. In M. Linden, A. Maercker, M. Linden & A. Maercker (Eds.), Embitterment: Societal, psychological, and clinical perspectives. (pp. 119-128).New York,NYUS: Springer-Verlag Publishing.

Hussong, A. M., Jones, D. J., Stein, G. L., Baucom, D. H., & Boeding, S. (2011). An internalizing pathway to alcohol use and disorder. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 25(3), 390-404. doi:10.1037/a0024519

Klann, N., Hahlweg, K., Baucom, D.H., & Kroeger, C. (2011).  The effectiveness of couple therapy in Germanyand Austria: A Replication Study. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 37 (2), 200- 208.

Porter, L. S., Keefe, F. J., Baucom, D. H., Hurwitz, H., Moser, B., Patterson, E., & Kim, H. J. (2011). Partner-assisted emotional disclosure for patients with GI cancer: 8-week follow-up and processes associated with change. Supportive Care in Cancer : Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, doi:10.1007/s00520-011-1272-z

Porter, L.S., Keefe, F.J., Garst, J., Baucom, D.H., McBride, C.M., McKee, D.C., Sutton, L., Carson, K., Knowles, V., Rumble, M., & Scipio, C. (2011). Caregiver-Assisted Coping Skills Training for Early Stage Lung Cancer: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 41(1),1-13.

Baucom, D. H., & Epstein, N. B. (2012). Brief couple therapy. In M. Dewan, B. Steenbarger & R. P. Greenberg (Eds.), The art and science of brief therapies (2nd ed.) (pp. 239-276). Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.

Baucom, D.H., Kirby, J.S., Pukay-Martin, N.D., Porter, L.S., Fredman, S.J., Gremore, T.M., Keefe, F.J., & Atkins, D (2012). Men’s psychological functioning in the context of women’s breast cancer. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 38 (2), 317-329. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-0606.2009.00133.x

Baucom, D. H., Porter, L. S., Kirby, J. S., & Hudepohl, J. (2012). Couple-based interventions for medical problems. Behavior Therapy, 43(1), 61-76. doi:10.1016/j.beth.2011.01.008

Halford, W.K., Hayes, S., Christensen, A., Lambert, M., Baucom, D.H., & Atkins, D.C.(2012). Towards Making Progress Feedback an Effective Common Factor in Couple Therapy. Behavior Therapy, 43(1), 49-60. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2011.03.005.

Heinrichs, N., Zimmermann, T., Huber, B., Herschbach, P., Russel, D. W., & Baucom, D. H. (2012).  Cancer distress reduction with a couple-based skills training: A randomized controlled trial. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 43,2, 239-252.

Whisman, M.A., & Baucom, D.H. (2012). Intimate relationships and psychopathology. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 15 (1), 4-13. DOI: 10.1007/s10567-011-0107-2

Abramowitz, J.S., Baucom, D.H., Wheaton, M.G., Boeding, S., Fabricant, L.E., Paprocki, C., & Fischer, M. (in press).  Enhancing exposure and response prevention for OCD: A couple-based approach.  Behavior Modification.

Publications Continued

Baucom, D.H, Whisman, M.A., &  Paprocki, C. (in press). Couple-based interventions for psychopathology. Journal of Family Therapy.

Bulik, C.M., Baucom, D.H., & Kirby, J.S. (in press). Treating Anorexia Nervosa in the Couple Context. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy.

Fischer, M.S., Hahlweg, K., Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N. (in press). Cognitive-behavioral couple therapy. In S G. Hofmann, D. Dozois, J.A.J. Smits, & W. Rief (Eds.), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Comprehensive Reference Guide. New York: Wiley Blackwell.

Pollak, K.I., Denman, S., Gordon, K.S., Lyna, P., Rocha, P., Brouwer, R.J.N., Baucom, D.H. (in press). Is pregnancy a teachable moment among Latino expectant fathers? A pilot study. Ethnicity and Health.

Porter, L.S., Baucom, D.H., Patterson, E.S., & Keefe, F.J. (in press). Reactions to a partner-assisted emotional disclosure intervention: Direct observation and self-report of patient and partner communication. Journal of Marital & Family Therapy.

Snyder, D. K., Baucom, D. H., Gordon, K. C., & Doss, B. D. (in press). Infidelity and other relationship betrayals.  In D. K. Snyder & C. M. Monson (Eds.), Couple-based interventions for military and veteran families. New York:Guilford Press.

Whisman, M.A., Dementyeva, A., Baucom, D.H., & Bulik, C.M. (in press). Marital functioning and binge eating disorder in married women. International Journal of Eating Disorders.

Professional Presentations

Jacobson, N. S., & Baucom, D. H. (December, 1975). Controlling for nonspecific factors in behavior therapy research. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Francisco.

Baucom, D. H. (December, 1978). Isolation of effective components of behavioral marital therapy. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Chicago.

Bernanke, P. A., & Baucom, D. H. (April, 1978). Depression and eating in obese and nonobese persons:  An analog study. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association,New Orleans.

Baucom, D. H., & Bernanke, P. A. (April, 1979). Depressive mood and eating in obese and nonobese restrained eaters. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association,San Antonio.

Baucom, D. H., & King, B. V. (December, 1979). Noncontingent positive reinforcement and level of prior performance as factors in the development of learned helplessness. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Francisco.

Baucom, D. H., & Lester, G. W. (April, 1979). Noncontingency vs. loss of control in learned helplessness. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association,San Antonio.

Baucom, D. H., & Miller, K. (December, 1979). The relative importance of loss of control and loss of reinforcement in the development of depression:  An analog study. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Francisco.

Danker-Brown, P. S., & Baucom, D. H. (April, 1979). Causal attributions in the development of learned helplessness. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association,San Antonio.

Baucom, D. H. (November, 1980). The relative utility of behavioral contracting and problem-solving/communications training in behavioral marital therapy:  A controlled outcome study. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York.

Baucom, D. H., & Danker-Brown, P. (September, 1980). Sex role identity, sex-typed tasks, and learned helplessness in women. Paper presented at the 88th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Montreal.

Baucom, D. H. (April, 1981). Clinical applications of behavioral marital therapy. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the North Carolina Psychological Association,Wilmington.

Baucom, D. H. (November, 1981). Cognitive behavioral strategies in the treatment of marital discord. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Toronto.

Presentations Continued 

Baucom, D. H. (August, 1981). Depression as a response to perceived punishment:  A cognitive behavioral model. Paper presented at the 89th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Los Angeles.

Baucom, D. H. (July, 1981). Effectiveness of specific behavioral marital therapy techniques. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Marital Interaction and Marital Therapy, Max Planck Institute,Munich,Germany.

Baucom, D. H. (July, 1981). Improving the methodology of behavioral marital therapy outcome investigations. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Marital Interaction and Marital Therapy, Max Planck Institute,Munich,Germany.

Baucom, D. H. (November, 1981). Problem-solving training as an aid to maritally distressed couples. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Toronto.

Mehlman, S. K., Baucom, D. H., & Anderson, D. (November, 1981). The relative effectiveness of cotherapists vs. single therapists and immediate treatment vs. delayed treatment in a behavioral marital therapy outcome study. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Toronto.

Baucom, D. H. (August, 1982). The role of communication in marital adjustment:  An empirical perspective. Paper presented at the 90th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Washington,DC.

Baucom, D. H., Bell, G., & Duhe, A. (November, 1982). The measurement of couples’ attributions for positive and negative dyadic attributions. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Los Angeles.

Baucom, D. H., & Lester, G. W. (November, 1982). The utility of cognitive restructuring as a supplement to behavioral marital therapy. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Los Angeles.

Baucom, D. H. (Chairman). (December, 1983). Advances in behavioral marital therapy. Paper presented at a featured international symposium at the World Congress on Behavior Therapy,Washington,DC.

Baucom, D. H., Callahan, S., & Besch, P. K. (August, 1983). Relationship between female testosterone concentration, sex role identity, and personality. Paper presented at the 91st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Anaheim,CA.

Emmelkamp, P. M. G., Baucom, D. H., Epstein, N., & Revenstorf, D. (December, 1983). The content of behavioral marital therapy:  New and recent treatment procedures. Paper presented at the World Congress on Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.

Presentations Continued 

Gray-Little, B., & Baucom, D. H. (August, 1983). Power bases or power structure:  Which determines marital satisfaction? Paper presented at the 91st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Anaheim,CA.

Weiss, R. L., Revenstorf, D., Margolin, G., Schaap, C., Hahlweg, K., Baucom, D. H., & Perry, B. A. (December, 1983). Cognitive-behavioral marital therapy: An international perspective. Paper presented at the World Congress on Behavior Therapy,Washington,DC.

Baucom, D. H. (August, 1984). Attribution training with maritally distressed couples. Paper presented at the 92nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Toronto,Canada.

Baucom, D. H., & Lester, G. W. (November, 1984). Augmenting behavioral marital therapy with cognitive restructuring. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Philadelphia.

Baucom, D. H., Wheeler, C. M., & Bell, G. (November, 1984). Assessing the role of attributions in marital distress. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Philadelphia.

Baucom, D. H. (November, 1985). Enhancing behavioral marital therapy with cognitive restructuring and emotional expressiveness training. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Houston,Texas.

Baucom, D. H., & Epstein, N. (November, 1985). Cognitive therapy for marital discord. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Houston,Texas.

Baucom, D. H., & Goldman, T. (September, 1985). Methodological issues in the study of the Family. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Impact of Family Interaction Research on our Understanding of Psychopathology, Max Planck Institute,Munich,Germany.

Baucom, D. H., & Lester, G. W. (September, 1985). The usefulness of cognitive restructuring in behavioral marital therapy. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Association of Behavior Therapy,Munich,Germany.

Baucom, D. H. (October, 1986). Treatment of marital distress from a cognitive behavioral perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the North Carolina Psychological      Association,Asheville,NC.

Baucom, D. H., & Goldman, T. (November, 1986). Response to treatment and communication patterns among depressed and nondepressed maritally distressed couples. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Chicago.

Baucom, D. H. (November, 1987). Methodological issues in coding marital and family interaction. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston. 

Presentations Continued 

Baucom, D.H. (November, 1987). What does behavioral marital therapy have to offer other theoretical orientations? Paper presented at the 21st Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston.

Baucom, D. H., & Sayers, S. L. (November, 1987). Attributional style and attributional pattern among married couples. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston.

Baucom, D. H. (October, 1988). Cognitive/behavioral marital therapy: Current status and future directions.  Paper presented at the 40th Annual Convention of the North Carolina Psychological Association,Raleigh,NC.

Baucom, D. H., Sayers, S. L., & Sher, T. G. (November, 1988).  Expanding behavioral marital therapy.  Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York.

Baucom, D.H. (February, 1988). The effectiveness of behavioral marital therapy.  Where do we go from here? Paper presented at theUniversity ofIllinois,Champaign.

Epstein, N., Baucom, D. H., & Sher, T. G. (September, 1988).  The role of cognitions in marital distress and behavioral marital therapy.  Paper presented at the 3rd World Congress on Behaviour Therapy,Edinburgh,Scotland.

Iverson, A., & Baucom, D. H. (November, 1988).  Behavioral marital therapy: The role of skills acquisition in marital satisfaction.  Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York.

Baucom, D.H. (March, 1989).  The effectiveness of cognitive/behavioral marital therapy.  Paper presented at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro.

Baucom, D.H. (November, 1989). Expanding behavioral marital therapy: Focusing on cognitions and affect.  Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Sayers, S.L., Baucom, D.H., & Sher, T.G. (November, 1989).  The effects of behavioral marital therapy, cognitive restructuring, and emotional expressiveness training on couples’ interaction: A sequential analysis.  Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Baucom, D.H. (April, 1990).  A cognitive/behavioral approach to understanding and treating marital discord.  Paper presented at the 1990 Symposium on Group Dynamics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Baucom, D.H. (June, 1990).  Assisting maritally distressed couples.  Workshop presented atUniversity ofNorth Carolina- Greensboro,Greensboro,NC.

Baucom, D.H. (October, 1990).  Treatment of marital discord from a cognitive/ behavioral perspective.  Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Psychological Association- Research Triangle Park, NC. 

Presentations Continued 

Baucom, D.H., Burnett, C.K., Rankin, L., & Sher, T.G. (November, 1990). Cognitive/behavioral marital therapy outcome research: What is success?  Paper presented at the 24th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Francisco,CA.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., Rankin, L.A., & Burnett, C.K. (November, 1990).  New measures for assessing couples’ standards.  Paper presented at the 24th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Francisco,CA.

Iverson, A., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1990).  Parents’ beliefs about childrearing and parenting behavior.  Paper presented at the 24th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Francisco,CA.

Sayers, S.L., Baucom, D.H., Sher, T.G., Weiss, R., & Heyman, R. (November, 1990).  Functional and dysfunctional marital behavior: Constructive engagement and couples’ responses to behavioral marital therapy.  Paper presented at the 24th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Francisco,CA.

Baucom, D.H. (August, 1991).  Recent theoretical and clinical advances in cognitive-behavioral marital therapy.  Paper presented at the 99th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,San Francisco,CA.

Baucom, D.H., & Epstein, N. (November, 1991).  Marital distress: Matching couples with treatment.  Paper presented at the 25th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York,NY.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., Daiuto, A., & Carels, R.A. (November, 1991).  The Relationship Attribution Questionnaire: A new instrument for assessing relationship attributions and their impact.  Paper presented at the 25th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York,NY.

Baucom, D.H., Walsh, V.L., Tyler, S., & Sayers, S. (November, 1991).  Assessing whether the way negative feelings are expressed differentially affects subsequent marital communication.  Paper presented at the 25th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York,NY. 

Burnett, C.K., Nordling, W., Brown, R., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1991).  New directions for preventive interventions with couples: The North Carolina and Maryland/D.C. Projects.  Paper presented at the 25th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York,NY.

Epstein, N., Baucom, D.H., Rankin, L.A., & Burnett, C.K. (November, 1991). Relationship standards in marriage: Development of a new measure of content-specific cognitions.  Paper presented at the 25th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York,NY.

Sher, T., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1991).  Marital communication: Differences among maritally distressed, depressed, and nondistressed-nondepressed couples.  Paper presented at the 25th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York,NY.

Presentations Continued

Baucom, D.H. (March, 1992).  Cognitive-behavioral marital therapy: The complexities of dyadic change.  Key note address presented at the 24th Banff International Conference on Behavioural Science,Banff,Canada.

Rankin, L.A., Baucom, D.H., Burnett, C.K., & Epstein, N. (November, 1992).  The individual in marriage: An understanding of the « I » and the « We.”  .  Paper presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Sher, T.G., Baucom, D.H., & Hersh, K.R. (November, 1992).  Reciprocity in couples’ interaction: Differences in depressed, distressed, and nondepressed, nondistressed couples.  .  Paper presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., Carels, R.A., Daiuto, A.D., Rankin, L.A., Burnett, C.K., & Mayfield, A. (November, 1993).  Cognition in marriage: The relationship between marital attributions and standards.  Paper presented at the 27th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Atlanta,GA.

Clayton, D.C., Rankin, L.A., Beach, S.R.H., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1993).  Improving cognitive-behavioral marital therapy.  Paper presented at the 27th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Atlanta,GA.

Epstein, N., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1993).  Cognitive behavior therapy with couples. Workshop presented at the 27th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Atlanta,GA.

Baucom, D.H. & Epstein, N. (November, 1994).  Cognitive behavior therapy with couples. Workshop presented at the 28th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Diego,CA.

Burnett, C.K., Baucom, D.H., Rankin, L.A., & Epstein, N.  (November, 1994).  What are they thinking: Content areas and cognitions in marriage. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Diego,CA. 

Epstein, N., Baucom, D.H., & Daiuto, A. (November, 1994). Empirical findings from research on marriage: Implications for the practice of behavioral marital therapy. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Diego,CA.

Rankin, L.A., Baucom, D.H., Christensen, A., Epstein, N., Burnett, C.K., & Harris, L. (November, 1994).  Relationship between marital communication patterns and requests for partner behavior change.  Paper presented at the 28th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,San Diego,CA.

Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., & Rankin, L. (July, 1995).  The role of thematic content in couples’ cognitions.  Paper presented at the 5th World Congress on Behavior Therapy,Copenhagen,Denmark.

Presentations Continued

Carels, R.A., Baucom, D.H., Ridenhour, C., & Harkins, F. (November, 1995).  Support in marriage: Intentions, perceptions, and psychological symptomatology. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Coop, K.L., Baucom, D.H., & Daiuto, A. (November, 1995).  Demystifying forgiveness: A cognitive-behavioral stage model. . Paper presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Coop, K.L, Carels, R.A., Baucom, D.H., & Daiuto, A. (November, 1995).  Marital trauma and psychological symptomatology: Are they associated with and mediated by violated assumptions? Paper presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Norten, J.E., Craighead, L.W., Baucom, D.H., Clayton, D.C.& Bebchuk, J.M.  (November, 1995).  Hypoactive sexual desire disorder and depression: A treatment outcome study. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Rankin, L.A., Baucom, D.H., Clayton, D., & Daiuto, A. (November, 1995).  Gender differences in the use of relationship schemas versus individual schemas in marriage. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Baucom, D.H. (November, 1996).  Integrating relationship themes into cognitive behavioral marital therapy.  Paper presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York.

Baucom, D.H. (March, 1996).  The application of marital interventions to the treatment of individual psychological problems.  Paper presented at Lackland Air Force Base,San Antonio,Texas.

Baucom, D.H., & Burnett, C.K. (December, 1996).  The international status of prevention of marital distress.  Paper presented at the International Colloquium on Prediction and Prevention of Marital Distress and Divorce,Heidelberg,Germany.

Baucom, D.H. (December, 1996).  The prediction and prevention of marital distress: Recommendations for future research and policy.  Paper presented at the International Colloquium on Prediction and Prevention of Marital Distress and Divorce,Heidelberg,Germany.

Burnett, C.K., Baucom, D.H., Schilling, E.A., Ragland, L., Sandin, E. (November, 1996).  Weekend PREP: A community-based marital prevention and relationship enhancement program.  Paper presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York.

Clayton, D.C., Sandin, E., Baucom, DH., & Floyd, F.J. (November, 1996).  Emotional expressiveness patterns in maritally distressed couples: Trust, focus, valence, and sex.  Paper presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York.

Presentations Continued

Gordon, K.C., & Baucom, D.H. (May, 1996).  Forgiveness within the context of cognitive/behavioral marital therapy.  Paper presented at the 2nd Annual International Forgiveness Conference,Baltimore,MD.

Gordon, K.C., Pautsch, J., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1996).  Perceptions of forgiveness: A coding system.  Paper presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York.

Ragland, L., Baucom, D.H., Burnett, C.K., & Schilling, E. (November, 1996).  Communication and relationship standards: Predicting marital satisfaction.  Paper presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York.

Rankin, L., Clayton, D.C., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1996).  Life Schema Questionnaire: Revision and validation of a self-report measure of relationship versus individual schema.  Paper presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York.

Sandin, E., Baucom, D.H., Burnett, C.K., Epstein, N., & Rankin, L.A.(November, 1996).  Autonomy, egalitarianism, and communication among remarried spouses versus first married spouses.  Paper presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New York.

Baucom, D.H. (September, 1997).  Helping couples address relationship traumas.  Invited address toTexasA&MUniversity,College Station,TX.

Baucom, D.H. (November, 1997).  Nonspecific factors in behavioral treatment. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Miami,FL.

Baucom, D.H. (July, 1997).  The empirical status of couples and family interventions for adult psychological problems.  Paper presented at Lackland Air Force Base,San Antonio,Texas.

Baucom, D.H., & Sullivan, L. (December, 1997).  The role of marital adjustment and marital satisfaction in marital therapy outcome research.  Paper presented atUniversity ofWashington,Seattle.

Baucom, D.H., & Palmer, C. (August, 1997).  The treatment of agoraphobia through couples-based interventions.  Paper presented atBraunschweigUniversity,Braunschweig,Germany.

Carels, R.A., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1997).  Support in Marriage: Factors associated with on-line perceptions of support helpfulness. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Miami,FL.

Palmer, C.A., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1997).  Components of long-term, healthy marriages. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Miami,FL.

Rankin-Esquer, L., Baucom, D.H., Christensen, A., Epstein, N., Burnett, C.K., & Harris, L. (November, 1997).  Communication Patterns Questionnaire: Relationship with marital adjustment and with requests for behavior change from partner. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Miami,FL.

Presentations Continued

Rankin-Esquer, L., Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., & Burnett, C.K. (November, 1997).  Autonomy and relatedness: Relationship with communication style and desire for partner behavior change.  Paper presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Miami,FL.

Rankin-Esquer, L., Baucom, D.H., Epstein, N., & Burnett, C.K. (November, 1997).  Do depressed spouses show the same significant relationships among important marital variables as normative community spouses? Paper presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Miami,FL.

Rankin-Esquer, L., Clayton, D., Baucom, D.H., & Mullens, J.A. (November, 1997).  Individual versus relationship schema use: Replication of a priming procedure in an adult, married population. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Miami,FL.

Baucom, D.H., & Ragland, L. (July, 1998).  Predicting and preventing marital distress: The results of a longitudinal prevention program.  Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Acapulco,Mexico.

Clayton, D.C., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1998).  Relationship standards as mediators of marital quality. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Gordon, K.C., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1998).  « True” forgiveness versus “false” forgiveness: Further validation of a cognitive-behavioral stage model of forgiveness. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Gordon, K.C., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1998).  Addressing infidelity: Preliminary results for a forgiveness-based marital intervention. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Palmer, C.A., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1998).  How our marriages lasted: Couples’ reflections on staying together. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Washington,D.C.

Baucom, D.H. (November, 1999). Expanding our theoretical models of marital therapy: Hello, there are individuals in there. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Toronto,Canada.

Baucom, D.H. (November, 1999). Marriage and health: Research settings, recruitment, and design. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Toronto,Canada.

Baucom, D.H. (November, 1999). Therapeutic implications of gender differences in cognitive processing in marital relationships. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Toronto,Canada.

Baucom, D.H. (August, 1999).  Theoretical advancements in treating diverse couples with empirically supported marital therapies. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Boston,MA.

Presentations Continued

Baucom, D.H., & Stern, A. (June, 1999).  A creative writer’s changing relationship to writing over the course of psychoanalysis. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research,Braga,Portugal.

Gordon, K.C., Baucom, D.H., & Snyder, D.K (November, 1999).  Addressing infidelity: 6-month follow-up results for a multitheoretical forgiveness-based marital intervention. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Toronto,Canada.

Mergenthaler, E., Bucci, W., Stern, A., & Baucom, D.H. (June, 1999).  Patterns of therapeutic and creative activity using computer measured concepts. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research,Braga,Portugal.

Schilling, E.A., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1999). Evaluation of longitudinal changes in average relationship satisfaction in couples who participated in a weekend version of PREP. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Toronto,Canada.

Schilling, E.A., & Baucom, D.H. (November, 1999). The effects of PREP communication skills acquisition and couples’ longitudinal risk of becoming maritally distressed. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Toronto,Canada.

Stern, A., & Baucom, D.H. (June, 1999). The patient’s perspective and the analyst’s perspective over the course of treatment. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research,Braga,Portugal.

Baucom, D. H. (2000, November). Couples’ researchers as clinicians:  A look behind the curtain. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Baucom, D. H. (February, 2000). Long-term happy marriages: How’d they do that?  Paper presented at theUniversity ofArizona,Tucson,Arizona.

Baucom, D.H. (February, 2000). Understanding and treating marital infidelity. Paper presented at theUniversity ofArizona,Tucson,Arizona.

LaTaillade, J., Baucom, D. H., & Jacobson, N. S. (2000, November). Correlates of satisfaction and resiliency in African American interracial relationships. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy.

LaTaillade, J., Stanton, S., Baucom, D. H., Schilling, E. A., Allen, E. S., & Ragland, L. (2000, November). Variability in the effectiveness of PREP communication skills acquisition on couples’ risk for marital distess:  A follow-up investigation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy.

Presentations Continued

Palmer, C.A., Baucom, D.H., McBride, C.M., Pollak, K.I., Peterson, B.L., McKee, K.T., & Crawford, Y.S. (2000, March). Associations between partner support and women’s smoking cessation in early pregnancy.  Paper presented at the 21st Annual Convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine,Nashville,Tennessee.

Pollak, K.I., McBride, C.M., Baucom, D.H., Palmer, C.A., Peterson, B.L., McKee, K.T., & Crawford, Y.S. (2000, March). Agreement between women and partner-reported negative support for cessation in pregnancy.  Paper presented at the 21st Annual Convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine,Nashville,Tennessee.

Ragland, L. M., & Baucom, D. H. (2000, November). Factors influencing romantic commitment in African American college students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Smith, J. C., & Baucom, D. H. (2000, November). Automony and intimacy motives in marital relationships. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Allen, E.S., & Baucom, D.H. (2001, November).  Assessing patterns of infidelity.  Paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Philadelphia,PA.

Allen, E.S., & Baucom, D.H. (2001, November).  Attachment styles and their relation to patterns of infidelity.  Paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Philadelphia,PA.

Baucom, D.H. (2001, May).  An empirical approach to psychotherapy process research in a creative writer.  Paper presented at the international conference for psychotherapy process research,Ulm,Germany.

Baucom, D.H., & Stern, A. (2001, June).  A creative writer’s changing relationship to a partner and to writing over the course of psychoanalysis.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research,Montevideo,Uruguay.

Gordon, K.C., Allen, E.S., Atkins, D., Baucom, D.H., Snyder, D.K., & Glass, S. (2001, November).  Intrapersonal, interpersonal, and contextual factors in engaging in and responding to infidelity.  Paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Philadelphia,PA.

LaTaillade, J.J., Baucom, D.H., Burnett, C., Schilling, E.A., Allen, E.S., & Ragland, L. (2001, November).  The utility of couple consultant evaluations in predicting couples’ risk for marital distress.  Paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Philadelphia,PA.

Presentations Continued

McBride, C., & Baucom, D.H. (2001, November).  The application of cognitive behavioral couple interventions to health issues:  Helping pregnant women to quit smoking.  Paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Philadelphia,PA.

McBride, C., & Baucom, D.H. (2001, September).  A couple-based intervention for smoking cessation among pregnant women.  Paper presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Istanbul,Turkey.

Mergenthaler, E., Baucom, D.H., & Stern, A. (2001, June). Patterns of therapeutic activity using computer measured concepts for a creative writer.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research,Montevideo,Uruguay.

Stern, A., & Baucom, D.H. (2001, June).  A multimodal approach to understanding the therapeutic hour: Computerized indexes of therapy process, therapeutic content, and analyst’s perspectives on treatment.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research,Montevideo,Uruguay.

Sullivan, L.J., & Baucom, D.H. (2001, November).  Relationship-schematic processing and relationship satisfaction across two types of marital interventions.  Paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Philadelphia,PA.

Baucom, D.H., & Sullivan, L.J. (2002, January).  Relationship-schematic processing: Implications for the treatment of marital discord.  Invited address.TexasA&MUniversity.

Atkins, D., Christensen, A., & Baucom, D. H. (2002, November). Couple Therapy and Infidelity:  How Effective Is Therapy When There Has Been an Affair? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Reno,NV.

Baucom, D. H., & Sher, T. G. (2002, November). Treatment Manuals and Treatment Adherence:  Closely Related or Distant Cousins? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Reno,NV.

Baucom, D. H., & Sullivan, L. J. (2002, November). A Comparison of the Relationship-Schema Coding System and the Marital-Interaction Coding System. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Reno,NV.

Stanton, S., & Baucom, D. H. (2002, November). The 3-Stage Model of Social Support:  Using Motivation for Smoking Cessation as an Example. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Reno,NV.

Stanton, S., Baucom, D. H., McBride, C., & Pollack, K. (2002, November). Individual Factors of Male Partners Influencing Support Provision for Smoking Cessation in Pregnant Women. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Reno,NV.

Presentations Continued

Sullivan, L. J., & Baucom, D. H. (2002, November). Relationship-Schematic Processing and Matching Couples to Treatment Intervention. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Reno,NV.

Sullivan, L. J., Baucom, D. H., & Snyder, D. K. (2002, November). Relationship-Schematic Processing and Relationship Satisfaction Across Two Types of Marital Interventions. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Reno,NV.

Allen, E. S., & Baucom, D. H. (2003, November). Decision-Making Power in African American and Causasian Couples. Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Allen, E. S., & Baucom, D. H. (2003, November). Hypothetical Versus Actual Infidelity. Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Allen, E. S., & Baucom, D. H. (2003, November). Truth or Consequences:  Predictors of Disclosure of Infidelity. Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Atkins, D. C., Baucom, D. H., & Christensen, A. (2003, November). The Correlates of Infidelity in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Marital Therapy. Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Baucom, D. H. (2003, November). « I Have No Idea Why I Had That Affair » – Well, Let Us Help You:  A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Infidelity. Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Baucom, D. H., & Schilling, E. A. (2003, November). Who Benefits from Premarital Prevention Programs (PREP)?  If It Ain’t Broke, Should We Try to Fix it? Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Baucom, D. H., Hahlweg, K., & Fredman, S. J. (2003, November). Prediction of Relationship Distress Following Prevention Intervention:  If You’re Not Happy, Deal With It. Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Baucom, D.H., & Sullivan, L. (2003, September).  Relationship Schematic Processing and Marital Functioning.  Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Convention of the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Prague.

Keefe, F. J., Ahles, T. A., Porter, L. S., Sutton, L. M., McBride, C., Pope, M. S., et al. (2003, November). Spouse-Guided Pain Management Training in Cancer Patients Who Are at End of Life. Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy.

Presentations Continued

Sher, T. G., & Baucom, D. H. (2003, November). If You Build It, Will They Come?  Appealing to a Wider Audience With Cognitive-Behavioral Couples Therapy. Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Stanton, S., & Baucom, D. H. (2003, November). Partner Engagement in Components of a Couples-Based Intervention for Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy as Moderators of Change in Social Support and Smoking. Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Sullivan, L., & Baucom, D. H. (2003, November). Relationship-Schematic Processing and Predicting Depression in Distressed Couples. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,Boston,MA.

Litzinger, S. C., Gordon, K. C., Dixon, L., Baucom, D. H., Snyder, D. K., & . (2004, July). How can I forgive you? Let us count the ways. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association,Honolulu,HI.

Litzinger, S. C., Gordon, K. C., Dixon, L., Baucom, D. H., & Snyder, D. K. (2004, November). Investigating forgiveness through couples psychotherapy narrative: Can we observe the forgiveness process? Paper presented at the 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Baucom, D.H., Stern, A., Livingston, N., Pisetsky, I., Tucker, L., Allen, E.S., & Sullivan, L. (2004, June).  The Relationship Between Psychotherapeutic Change and Patients’ Attachment to Work.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research,Rome,Italy.

Baucom, D.H., & Sullivan, L. (2004, August).  Relationship Schematic Processing and Response to Couple Therapy.  Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Psychology,Beijing,China.

Gordon, C. L., Baucom,D.H. (2004, November). Don’t Settle for « Satisfied »:  Individual Factors Contributing to Optimal Relationship Functioning. 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Krueger, S., Sullivan, L.J., Hahlweg, K., Baucom, D.H. (2004, November). A Comparison of Relationship Schematic Processing in an American and a German Sample. 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Wiesenthal, N. L., Baucom, D.H. (2004, November). Distress Over Unmet Relationship Standards and Marital Satisfaction Over Time. 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Baucom, D. H., Gordon, K.C., Atkins, D., Snyder, D.K., Christensen, A., Eldridge, K.A. (2004, November). How to Treat Infidelity and Marital Discord:  Empirical Findings From Two Approaches. 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Presentations Continued

Fredman, S. J., Baucom, D.H., Miklowitz, D.J. (2004, November). Emotional Involvement/Overinvolvement in Relatives with Bipolar Disorder. 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Kirby, J. S., Baucom, D.H. (2004, November). Treating Emotional Dysregulation in a Couples Context:  A Pilot Study of a Couples Skills Group Intervention. 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Stanton, S., Baucom, D.H., Sher, T.G. (2004, November). What Makes Social Support Behaviors From A Romantic Partner Supportive for a Health Problem?  A Consideration of Context. 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,New Orleans,LA.

Aldridge, W. A., & Baucom, D. H. (2005, November). Changes in communication during prep as a predictor of risk for later marital distress. Paper presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Washington,DC.

Baucom, D. H. (2005, November). Infidelity and forgiveness:  Clinical and research innovations. Paper presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Washington,DC.

Baucom, D. H., Heinrichs, N., Scott, J. L., Gremore, T., Kirby, J. S., Zimmermann, T., et al. (2005, November). Couple-based interventions for breast cancer: Findings from three continents. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Convention of the Assocation for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Washington,D.C.

Fredman, S. J., Baucom, D. H., Kallman, T. A., Gremore, T. M., Castellani, A. M., & Wiesenthal, N. L. (2005, November). Couples and breast cancer:  Getting services to those who need them. Paper presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Washington,DC.

Gadol, E. N., & Baucom, D. H. (2005, November). The organization of relational schemas in premarital inventories. Paper presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Washington,DC.

Gordon, C. L., & Baucom, D. H. (2005, November). Happy marriages consist of happy partners:  The individual’s contribution to satisfying relationships. Paper presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Washington,DC.

Gremore, T.M., Baucom, D.H., Heinrichs, N., Scott, J.L., Kirby, J.S., Zimmermann, T., & Porter, L. (2005, September). Couple-Based Interventions for Breast Cancer- Findings from Three Continents. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention of the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Thessaloniki,Greece.

Kirby, J.S., & Baucom D.H. (2005, September). Treating Emotional Dysregulation in a Couples Context: Outcome and Followup Findings. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention of the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Thessaloniki,Greece.

Presentations Continued

Kruger, S., Hahlweg, K. Sullivan, L.J., & Baucom, D.H. (2005, September).  Relationship Schematic Processing and Relationship Satisfaction among German and U.S. Couples: Coding Interactions in a New Way.  Paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention of the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Thessaloniki,Greece.

Krueger, S., Sullivan, L. J., Hahlweg, K., & Baucom, D. H. (2005, November). Relationship schematic processing and relationship satisfaction among german and us couples. Paper presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Washington,DC.

Krüger, S., Sullivan, L.J., Hahlweg, K. & Baucom, D.H. (2005, May). “Noch ein Ratingsystem?! Beziehungs-schematisches Verarbeiten und Partnerschaftszufriedenheit deutscher und US-amerikanischer Paare“. Poster, Tagung der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie der DGPs, Dresden.

Wiesenthal, N. L., Baucom, D. H., Porter, L. S., Kirby, J. S., & Gremore, T. M. (2005, November). Relationship factors and posttraumatic growth in couples facing early-stage breast cancer. Paper presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Washington,DC.

Zimmermann, T., Heinrichs, N., & Baucom, D. H. (2005, November). Does one size fit all?  A meta-analysis of moderators in psychosocial interventions for breast and gynecological cancer patients. Paper presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Washington,DC.

Zimmermann T., Heinrichs N. & Baucom D.H. (2005, September). Does One Size Fit All? A Meta-Analysis of Moderators in Psychosocial Interventions for Breast and Gynecological Cancer Patients. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention of the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Thessaloniki,Greece.

Baucom, D. H., Kirby, J. S., Gremore, T. M., Pukay-Martin, N. D., Porter, L. S., Keefe, F. J., et al. (2006, September). Men’s responses to women’s breast cancer: What makes the difference? Paper presented at the 36th Annual Convention of the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Paris,France.

Baucom, D. H., Porter, L. S., Gremore, T. M., Kirby, J. S., & Keefe, F. J. (2006, October). Enhancing survivorship for couples facing breast cancer: A pilot study of a couple-based cognitive-behavioral intervention. Paper presented at the NCI Cancer Survivorship Conference Bi-Annual Meeting,Bethesda,MD.

Gordon, C. L., & Baucom, D. H. (2006, November). Getting off to a good start: Intimacy and autonomy development in the first 5 years of marriage. Paper presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Chicago,IL.

Peterman, M. A., & Baucom, D. H. (2006, November). A longitudinal analysis of extradyadic involvement in dating relationships. Paper presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Chicago,IL.

Presentations Continued

Baucom, D.H., Dye, S.M., Porter, L.S., Gremore, T.M., Kirby, J.S., Pukay-Martin, N., & Keefe, F.J. (2007, July). Body image and sexual functioning among women with early stage breast cancer: The impact of a couple-based intervention program.  Paper presented at the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies,Barcelona,Spain. 

Baucom, D.H., Dye, S.M., Porter, L.S., Kirby, J.S., Gremore, T.M., Pukay-Martin, N.D., & Keefe, F.J. (2007, November).  Medical Effects of Breast Cancer Treatment on Body          Image and Sexual Functioning Implications for Couples’ Relationships.  Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Fredman, S.J., & Baucom, D.H. (2007, November). The role of observed emotional involvement in relatives of patients with bipolar disorders: Implications for treatment outcome.  Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Gadol, E.N., & Baucom, D.H. (2007, November). Developing a marriage mentoring program for relationship education. Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Gordon, C.L., & Baucom, D.H. (2007, November). Maintaining marital satisfaction through the early years. Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Gordon, K.C., Dixon, L., Baucom, D.H., & Snyder, D.K. (2007, November).  “It pulled the rug from beneath me”: The traumatic impact of extramarital affairs.  Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Kirby, J.S., Baucom, D.H., Pukay-Martin, N.D., Fredman, S. J., Gremore, T.M., Porter, L.S., & Keefe, F.J. (2007, November).  Important Factors in Men’s Psychological Responses to Women’s Breast Cancer.  Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Peterman, M.A., & Baucom, D.H. (2007, November). Beliefs about Extradyadic involvement: A latent class analysis. Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Peterman, M.A., & Baucom, D.H. (2007, November). Personal attributes and Extradyadic opportunity. Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Porter, L.S., Baucom, D.H., Gremore, T.M., Kirby, J.S., & Keefe, F.J. (2007, March). Couples and breast cancer: A pilot study of a couple-based cognitive-behavioral intervention. Paper presented at the American Psycho-oncology Society Annual Meeting,Austin,TX. 

Presentations Continued

Porter, L.S., Baucom, D.H., Kirby, J.S., Gremore, T.M. & Keefe, F.J. (2007, November).  What aspects of marital functioning are important in adjustment to breast cancer? Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Porter, L.S., Baucom, D.H., Kirby, J.S., Gremore, T.M., & Keefe F.J. (2007, March). What aspects of marital functioning are associated with adjustment to breast cancer? Paper presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting,Washington,DC.

Pukay-Martin, N.D., Baucom, D.H., Porter, L.S., Gremore, T.M., Kirby, J.S., & Keefe, F.J. (2007, November).  Utilizing daily diaries to assess couple phenomena.  Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.

Pukay-Martin, N.D., Baucom, D.H., Porter, L.S., Kirby, J.S., Gremore, T.M. & Keefe, F.J. (2007, November).  Daily partner support in women with breast cancer.  Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Stanton, S., Baucom, D.H., Sher, T., & Fredman, S. (2007, November). Social support and dietary changes in a couple-based treatment for coronary heart disease. Paper presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Philadelphia,PA.

Wiesenthal, N. L., & Baucom, D. H. (2007, June). Posttraumatic growth among couples facing breast cancer. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association,Ottawa,Canada.

Aldridge, W., & Baucom, D. H. (2008, November). The influence of committed intimate relationships on work outcomes: Examining the role of relationship-to-work permeability. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Orlando,FL.

Baucom, D. H. (2008, November). Clinical innovations in evidence-based couple therapy. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Orlando,FL.

Baucom, D. H., Abramowitz, J., Pukay-Martin, N., Kelly, J. T., & Wheaton, M. G. (2008, November). A couple-based treatment for OCD. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Orlando,FL.

Baucom, D. H., Dye, S.M., Porter, L.S., Gremore, T.M., Kirby, J. S., & Keefe, F. J. (2008, July). Body image and sexual functioning among women with early stage breast cancer: The impact of a couple-based intervention program.  Paper presented at the 19th annual meeting of the International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

Boeding, S., Baucom, D. H., Porter, L. S., Kirby, J. S., Gremore, T. M., & Keefe, F. J. (2008, November). Predicting social support provision for women with breast cancer. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Orlando,FL.

Presentations Continued

Kelly, J. T., Baucom, D. H., Porter, L. S., Pukay-Martin, N., Kirby, J. S., Gremore, T. M., et al. (2008, November). Do you read me? Observationally coding couples’ support elicitation. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Orlando,FL.

Zimmermann, T., Baucom, D. H., Kelly, J. T., & Heinrichs, N. (2008, November). Cross cultural differences in social support communication among couples. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Orlando,FL.

Gremore, T.M., Baucom, D.H., Porter, L.S., Kirby, J.S., Atkins, D. & Keefe, F. (2009, February). Couples Coping with Breast Cancer:  How Does His Support Help? Paper presented at the 6th annual meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society,Charlotte,NC.

Baucom, D.H., Bulik, C.M., Kirby, J.S., & Pisetsky, E.M. (2009, November). Relationship factors in altering eating-disordered behaviors: A couple-based approach for treating adult anorexia nervosa. Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,New York,NY.

Baucom, D.H., Porter, L.S., Kirby, J.S., Gremore, T.M., Atkins, D., Keefe, F.J. & Scott, J.L. (2009, November). CanThrive: Assisting women’s adaptation to breast cancer through a couple-based intervention. Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,New York,NY.

Baucom, D. H. (2009, May). Using Couple-based interventions to address psychopathology and health problems (Key note address). Paper presented at the Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Gessellschaft fur Psychologie, Zurich, Switzerland.

Baucom, D. H. (2009, May). Couple-based treatments for anorexia nervosa and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Paper presented at the Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Gessellschaft fur Psychologie, Zurich, Switzerland.

Bulik, CM. Baucom, D., Kirby, J. Pisetsky, E. (2009, Sept).  Uniting Couples in the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa (UCAN) Eating Disorders Research Society.Brooklyn,NY.

Bulik, CM. Baucom, D., Kirby, J. Pisetsky, E. Uniting Couples in the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa (UCAN) International Conference on Eating Disorders, Cancun, Mexico, 2009. (conference cancelled due to H1N1)

Bulik, CM. Baucom, D., Kirby, J. Pisetsky, E.  (2009, Nov). Uniting Couples in the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa (UCAN) INTACT Symposium,MinhoUniversity,BragaPortugal.

Gremore, T., Baucom, D.H., Porter, L.S., Kirby, J.S., Atkins, D., & Keefe, F.J. (2009, November).  Couples coping with breast cancer: A test of the stress buffering effect of spousal support.  Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,New York,NY.

Presentations Continued

Pisetsky, E. M., Baucom, D. H., Bulik, C. M., & Kirby, J. S. (2009, May). Uniting Couples (in the treatment of) Anorexia Nervosa: UCAN. Paper presented at the International Perspectives on Couple and Family Processes,Braunsweig,Germany.

Pukay-Martin, N.D., Baucom, D.H., Porter, L.S., Kelly, J.T., Kirby, J.S., Gremore, T.M., & Keefe, F.J. (2009, November). Couple connection and cancer: Understanding the mechanisms of partner support for women with breast cancer.  Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,New York,NY.

Baucom, D.H. (2010, November). Barriers to engaging couples in therapy for relationship problems and strategies to overcome them. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,San Francisco,CA.

Baucom, D.H. (2010, November). Extending evidence-based assessment and interventions to military couples and families. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,San Francisco,CA.

Baucom, D.H. (2010, October). Understanding and treating infidelity. Invited address for the Brazilian Conference on Infidelity,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.

Baucom, D.H., Zimmermann,  T., Kelly, J. T., & Heinrichs, N. (2010, June). Observational assessment of couple interactions: A cross-national analysis. Paper presented at the 6th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Boston,MA.

Boeding, S.E., Wheaton, M.G., Baucom, D.H., Abramowitz, J., Pukay-Martin, N.D., Johnson, D.J.,  Kelly, J., Fabricant, L., Paprocki, C., & Fischer, M. (2010, November).   Accommodation in OCD: An Interpersonal Perspective. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,San Francisco,CA.

Pisetsky, E.M., Maxwell, M., Hofmeier, S., Baucom, D.H., Kirby, J.S., &  Bulik, C. (2010, November).   Partners experience of anorexia nervosa: Understanding barriers to providing support.  Paper presented at the 44th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,San Francisco,CA.

Porter, L.S., Baucom, D.H., Keefe, F.J., Patterson, E.S. (2010, June). Reactions to a partner-assisted emotional disclosure intervention: Direct observation and self-report of patient and partner communication. Paper presented at the Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference,Washington,DC.

Pukay-Martin, N.D., Baucom, D.H., Porter, L.S., Kirby, J.S., Gremore, T., & Keefe, F.J. (2010, November).   Adapting the IDCS for use with a breast cancer population.  Paper presented at the 44th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,San Francisco,CA.

Whisman, M.A. & Baucom, D.H. (2010, October). Couple functioning and psychopathology. Paper presented at the Klaus-Grawe Think Tank Meeting,Zurich,Switzerland.

Baucom, D.H. (2011, April). Cognitive-behavioral couple therapy for complex cases. Invited Address: Susanna Bensinger Clinical Lecture ofWashingtonUniversity,St. Louis,Missouri.

Presentations Continued

Baucom, D.H. (2011, July). Couple-based interventions for health Concerns: going beyond relationship distress. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies,Guildford,England.

Baucom, D.H. (2011, July). Keynote: Relationship functioning and adult Psychopathology: Couple-based interventions to treat individual disorders. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies,Guildford,England.

Bulik, C. M., Baucom, D., Kirby, J., & Pisetsky, E. (2011, April). Uniting couples in the treatment of eating disorders.  Paper presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders, International Conference on Eating Disorders,Miami,Florida.

Boeding, S., Baucom, D.H., Abramowitz, J.S., Wheaton, M.G., Fabricant, L.E., Fischer, M.S., & Paprocki, C., (2011, November). Accommodation in couples with OCD. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Toronto.

Fischer, M.S., Baucom, D.H., Bulik, C.M., & Kirby, J.S. (2011, November). Partners’ responses to anorexia nervosa: Development of a new observational coding system. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Toronto.

Fischer, M.S., Paprocki, C., Fabricant, L.E., Wheaton, M.G., Boeding, S., Abramowitz, J.S., & Baucom, D.H. (2011, November). Relationship satisfaction as a predictor of treatment outcome in a couple-based intervention for OCD. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Toronto.

Paprocki, C., Baucom, D.H., Kirby, J.S., Gremore, T., Porter, L., & Keefe, F. (2011, November). Relationship satisfaction moderates the association between partner distancing behavior and patient breast cancer pain. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Toronto.

Paprocki, C., Fischer, M.S., Fabricant, L.E., Wheaton, M.G., Boeding, S., Abramowitz, J.S., & Baucom, D.H. (2011, November). Partner accommodation of OCD associated with symptom dimensions. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Toronto.

Porter, L.S., Baucom, D.H., Kazak, A., Bonner, M., Boeding, S., Barakat, LP, Hocking, M., Linardic, C., Blatt, J., Reilly, A. (2011, April). Relationship functioning in couples parenting a child with cancer: Associations with individual and parental functioning. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine,Washington,DC.

Wheaton, M.G., Boeding, S., Fabricant, L.E., Paprocki, C., Fischer, M.S., Baucom, D.H., & Abramowitz, J.S. (2011, November). Couple-based exposure for OCD. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,Toronto.

Commercially Produced Videos Featuring Dr. Baucom

Baucom, D.H. (Therapist). Enhanced Cognitive-Behavioral Couple Therapy: The Role of the Individual (2003).  Produced by Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Clinical Grand Round Series.

Baucom, D.H. (Therapist). Enhanced Cognitive–Behavioral Couple Therapy (2008).  Produced by American Psychological Association, APA Psychotherapy Video Series.